Tara Pearls

With a new goal and new target market we aimed to change the perception of “grandmothers pearls” to something more modern, fun, and fashionable with the Tara Pearls E-Commerce site.



With sales being our primary focus, we had an issue getting consumers to be willing to purchase expensive items online from a company they are ultimately not familiar with. Our big question was how we can develop that trust through copywriting and imagery to make purchases happen within a shorter timeframe.



Our solutions for issues purchasing came directly from the consumer. Through consumer interviews and surveys, we were able to determine a price range that would work for our targeted market. We found that consumers who were willing to purchase jewelry online fell into a prince range of $75 to $850 dollars. We found that by providing unique information about the cultivation process as well as certificates of authenticity, we were able to drive that price from $850 to $2000.

Uncode Ltd.

We collaborate with big brands.
Let’s build someting great.


9876 Design Blvd,
Suite 543, Beverly Hills,
CA 90212


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