
With a new brand and a new goal, Celestica came to us with over 10,000 intranet pages that needed to be redesigned to create brand cohesion. Using modular design we were able to create a new and improved intranet site and templatize everything so the intranet would never be off-brand again.


Creating brand cohesion across 10,000 pages is quite a daunting task. Especially when every department in the company has access to develop pages. Our primary focus was not only to create a site and reskin the intranet but implement design cohesion across the board and make it accessible to someone who may not have any understanding of web development.


In an effort to create easy and understandable usability for modular design we needed to dive back into the intranets backend and create our own CMS that would benefit the lowest common denominator. We designed a simple to use CMS that would implement any images or content placed into it in the correct format.

Uncode Ltd.

We collaborate with big brands.
Let’s build someting great.


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CA 90212


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